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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Han Ye Seul leave Spy Myung Wol ?

Unprecedented in history, a main character in the midst of filming a drama has left the country without permission to Los Angeles after refusing to show up on set.

After continuously building tensions with the production company of KBS’s “Spy Myung Wol”, Han Ye Seul, who failed to show up at the shoot on August 14th, has left to Los Angeles on the afternoon flight of the 15th. The production company and KBS, as well as her co-stars, have shown their frustration towards Han Ye Seul’s attitude. KBS will make a decision on the future direction of the drama’s production on the 16th, although they have primarily decided on a female lead change on the night of the 15th.

A person in the “Spy Myung Wol” production team stated to Star News, “We have confirmed the fact that Han Ye Seul has left for the US… But we don’t know the date and time of her return”.
Her co-stars, who have been sitting and watching the situation as Han Ye Seul has failed to show up at shoots, finally exploded in anger at the news of Han Ye Seul’s departure.
A leading actor’s agency spokesperson questioned in disbelief on a phone call with Star News, “I found out about Han Ye Seul’s departure through the news. Is her departure true?” and added that, “I heard that Han Ye Seul’s agency found out through the news as well”.
The spokesperson continued, “If it is true that Han Ye Seul has departed the country, she must take all responsibility for the situation going on with “Spy Myung Wol… There were some aspects of her issues that could be understood as a fellow actor / actress, but if it’s true that she has left the country alone, she has crossed the line”.

KBS has declared their firm position, as well. Ko Young Tak, the director of drama of KBS, stated on a phone call with Star News, “The top priority as of now is Han Ye Seul’s return to the set”, and that, “Some media outlets have gone head over heels when they reported about changing the lead role, ending the drama, and other speculations. We will make our final decision on the afternoon of the 16th”.

Earlier this day, KBS stated their official stance towards Han Ye Seul’s refusal to show up to the set. KBS stated, “Despite knowing the fact that her absence at the set may cause failures of episodes to air, Han Ye Seul has unilaterally gone under the radar” and added that “With this said, intentionally causing problems to the production of a drama is unacceptable for a public figure”.
KBS continued, “A planned production of a drama is a promise with the people of this nation. Regardless of what the reason may be, Han Ye Seul must alleviate this problem from expanding any further and sincerely take part in the production”.

“Spy Myung Wol” aired a special episode on the 15th and will return to regular broadcast on the 16th.

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